Friday, January 16, 2009

... To Be Titled...

From the beginning of her life she had known what she wanted it and found a way to get it. She had always been the type to take charge and get the job done. Her career was well established, and in throwing herself into it, she had not allowed any time for establishing a relationship, save a good one. Always in relationships with somewhat passive, if not pansy mannered men, she was ever unsatisfied. All of them, men that she could sass around, men she could push her will onto. Sooner and sooner in the relationships she was searching for, and finding, satisfaction outside of the relationship. The men that she searched out were the dominant, powerful, and commanding character that she craved.

However, the relationship she was in now was different from any that she had been in before. She had found that strong character that she yearned for. Sadly, now that she was with him, she did not know how to behave.

In the beginning, she tried all the tricks in attempting to get him to do what she wanted. Failing painfully with that tactic, she tried to deny him the things he wanted. Again, her efforts were effortlessly unnoticed. After weeks of exhausting and fruitless trouble, she finally stopped attempting to push her will onto him.

One night while they were lying together watching television she told him of this history. Told of how she always longed for a man that supported and cheered her for her strong career achievements; but one who could take charge and be just as strong as she.

On this night, he told her of his past as well. Of the slaves that he had possessed. She envied the women that he told of who had submitted to him, and allowed themselves to become his property. But in this envy there was a dash of disbelief. She didn't believe that a self-sufficient, secure woman could allow herself to do the things he spoke of.

Most of what he told her were the physical things; bonding, over-the-knee spanking for discipline, and things of that nature. Spreader bars, shackles, cuffs, and various other bondage items were explained and tales of situations in which he had used them. He seemed to drift to a different place, the light in his eyes changing as he told her of the things that he had done. His entire demeanor became primal.

As she listened, and noticed this change in him, and in response she began to feel a warmth in the depths of her belly. She imagined herself in place of these other women. Imagined herself being tied to a tree and feeling the bite of a single tail on her back and buttocks as her breasts became raw from rubbing against the rough bark. He explained in such vivid detail that she could almost feel these things.

She closed her eyes and listened to the words; she felt his words. As she sat there silently, she felt her body begin to pull closer to his. Taking quick, shallow breaths, she began to grow warm. Her skin became warm and moist as she mentally fell deeper and deeper into this scene he spoke of.

His voice grew softer, yet more primal as she drew closer to him. Her mouth opened slightly as her breath quickened. Having her eyes closed, she had not seen his attention resituate to her body and how she was responding to his voice. As he spoke, and the inflection and tone changed, her body would move in accord with his voice. She flinched as he described the flick of the whip and the sound it made when it bit into bare skin. Her body tensed as he described how forcefully he managed the ropes around the woman. She gasped as he detailed rolling the woman’s nipples between his fingers.

As she moved closer and closer to him, he spoke softer and softer. Finally, her face just a few inches away from his he became silent. She sat still for a few moments, drawing in shallow breaths as if waiting for more. Slowly she opened her eyes to find his face inches from hers. A look in his eyes that she had never seen before.

Not even moments after her eyes opened, a nefarious smile enveloped his features. Before she had the chance to ask what he was smiling about, he quickly wrapped his large hand around her throat and pulled her nose-to-nose. “Is that what you want, slut?”, he growled at her.

“I… I don’t know!” she gasped.

“You don’t know?” he hissed. His other had reached down and began to unbuckle his belt. Her heart raced as she heard this sound. She tried frantically to see what he was doing, but he held her head still with the firm grasp on her throat. “Perhaps you need some help in this decision?” he snapped at her as he pulled his belt completely free from his pants.

He thread the belt through the buckle and pulled it down over her head. Released his grip from her throat, just to tighten the leather around her neck. He stood quickly and pulled strap tight, pulling her along with it. She gasped in pain as the buckle and strap pinched the delicate skin on the front of her neck. He turned quickly, placing a leg behind her, his hand on her neck again, and threw her to the ground. Her body landed hard on the wood floor, pushing her breath from her body. He stood again quickly, placing his foot on her chest and pulling the belt taught, preventing her from catching that precious breath that had been thrust from her body. She could look nowhere but up, at him.

“Is. This. What. You. Want.” he demanded again.

“Yes.” she whispered.

He dropped down onto his knee, and leaned in close to her face, and growled “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you, slut.”

“Yes.” she said again, her eyes pleading for breath. His hand reached back and flew down, landing hard on her cheek.

“I still didn’t hear you, slut.”

“Yes, Master!” The words barely escaped her lips before she fell unconscious.

When she woke up she was tied spread eagle on her bed. After a few moments she got her bearings and slowly remembered what happened in those moments before she was knocked unconcious. Anger filled her body and she felt a strong loathing towards the man that had done those things to her, and to what she had agreed to.

Who does the think he is? Who the FUCK does he think he is? Doing this to me, he's gotta be out of his damn mind. Just wait till I get up, and get ahold of him... so help me, that man is going to hurt.

Not realizing her bound predicament, she tried to get up, but the rope was taught and she could not move but a few inches. Her head, however, was not bound. She pulled her head off the pillow in an attempt observe her surroundings.

In the sitting area of her room he was sitting on the chaise lounge. He wasn't lounging, no. He was sitting, his elbows resting on his knees, and his chin resting on his clasped hands. He was neither smiling nor forwning, he was observing her. Closely watching her every move.

After her eyes had adjusted to the dim light of the room she spotted him sitting in the corner. His eyes were fixed on her.

"You rotten son of a bitch!" she spat at him. "Who the FUCK do you think you are?!?"

His left eyebrow raised. But he made no other move, nor did he speak a word.

She lay there glaring at him for a few more moments. Her breath jagged and rushed, nostrils flaring and lips pursed in pure anger.

"Say somthing you noxious fuck!" she snarled as she pounded her fists into the bed as best she could. Then she noticed that the more she moved against her bonds, the tighter they became. "Oh, you... you... you sick bastard!"

He didn't move one muscle. He didn't respond to the names that she called him. Didn't say one word. He merely sat there, in the corner, watching her.

He observed the way that her breasts waved up and down with her breathing. How, on her exhale, her belly would quiver. With each breath, she flexed and relaxed her toes. The muscles throughout her body were tight; and regardless of her anger, he could see the glistening moisture leaking out of the swollen slit between her legs.

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